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Explore Jobify.pk for the highest paying jobs in Pakistan, featuring comprehensive Govt jobs listings, trusted opportunities, and insightful career advice for both male and female candidates. Discover the latest in government and private sector roles, detailed salary information, and essential career development insights. Find answers to top queries about the best jobs and career paths in Pakistan today
Virtual University Federal Government Jobs DIRECTORATE OF ADMINISTRATION VIRTUAL UNIVERSITY OF PAKISTAN 19-Ataturk Avenue SSMS Building G-5/1, Islamabad
Pakistan Army Federal Government Jobs 701 Workshop EME, Okara Cantt, Okara Salary Offer: 35,000-75,000
PKLI Punjab Government Jobs One PKLI Avenue, DHA Phase 6, Lahore
Ravi Urban Development Authority Contract Executive Director of HR & Training RUDA HR Department 151 Abu Bakar Block Garden Town, Lahore, Punjab , 54000 Salary Offer: 45,000-90,000
GEPCO Punjab Government Jobs 565/A Grand Trunk Rd, Industrial Estate Model Town, Gujranwala, Punjab
Descon Engineering Private Jobs 8 KM Lahore Kasur Road, Lahore, Punjab
Punjab Provincial Cooperative Bank Punjab Government Jobs 5 Bank Square, Shahrah-e-Quaid-e-Azam, Lahore
Bank of Khyber (BOK) KP Government Jobs 24-The Mall Peshawar Cantt, Peshawar
NADRA Federal Government Jobs State Bank of Pakistan Building Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat Sector G-5/2, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan
National Logistics Cell (NLC) Federal Government Jobs National Logistics Corporation Hardinge Road, Rawalpindi, Punjab, PK
Pakistan Single Window Federal Government Jobs 4th Floor, Bahria Complex 3 building, Moulvi Tamizuddin Khan Rd, Naval Officers Colony, Karachi , 44000 Salary Offer: 70,000-250,000
Sindh Institute of Child Health Sindh Government Jobs First Noor, Plot No. 1, 356 & 354, Azizabad Secretariat Chowrangi, Jamshed Quarters, Karachi
Ministry of Defence Federal Government Jobs Section Officer (Admin) Ministry of Defence Production Adam Jee Rd Saddar Cantt, Rawalpindi , 46000 Salary Offer: 40,000-75,000
Public Sector Organization Balochistan Government Jobs Public Sector Organization, Quetta, Balochistan
IHRA Federal Government Jobs Islamabad Healthcare Regulatory Authority 2nd Floor, DMLC Building, Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS), Sufi Tabassum Road, H-8/2, Islamabad