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Explore Jobify.pk for the highest paying jobs in Pakistan, featuring comprehensive Govt jobs listings, trusted opportunities, and insightful career advice for both male and female candidates. Discover the latest in government and private sector roles, detailed salary information, and essential career development insights. Find answers to top queries about the best jobs and career paths in Pakistan today
Bakhtawar Cadet College Private Jobs Bakhtawar Cadet College for Girls, Shaheed Benazirabad, Sindh, Pakistan
Capital Development Authority (CDA) Federal Government Jobs G-6 Markaz G 6 Markaz G-6, Islamabad
KP Health Department KP Government Jobs Human Resources Department, Bacha Khan Medical Complex, Shahmansoor, Swabi
Water & Power Development Authority Federal Government Jobs Director (Recruitment), WAPDA, B-26, WAPDA House, Lahore
Punjab Wildlife & Parks Department Punjab Government Jobs Deputy Director Wildlife Headquarter Punjab Wildlife & Parks Department 2-Sanda Road, Lahore
Punjab Public Service Commission Punjab Government Jobs PPSC Head Office Building LDA Plaza Edgerton Road, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan Salary Offer: 54,500
Higher Education Commission Federal Government Jobs Higher Education Commission, Sector H-9, Islamabad
PKLI Punjab Government Jobs One PKLI Avenue, DHA Phase 6, Lahore
Barrick Gold Corporation Private Jobs Killi Zor Abad Tehsil Nokkundi, Chagai, Balochistan
Public Sector Organization Private Jobs Renowned Public Sector Hospital, Pak Secretariat, Islamabad
Bank of Khyber (BOK) KP Government Jobs 24-The Mall Peshawar Cantt, Peshawar
Federal Finance Division Federal Government Jobs Section Officer (HR-IV) Room No. 129 S Block Pak Secretariat, Finance Division, Islamabad , 44000 Salary Offer: 40,000-75,000
University of Lahore (UOL) Punjab Government Jobs 1-km Defence Road Near Bhubtian Chowk Raiwind Road, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Bahria University Federal Government Jobs Shangrilla Road, Sector E-8 Islamabad
Office of the Chief Commissioner ICT Federal Government Jobs Chief Commissioner ICT) Open Testing Service, Office No.1, Central Avenue, Bahria Town, Phase-VI, Islamabad