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Explore Jobify.pk for the highest paying jobs in Pakistan, featuring comprehensive Govt jobs listings, trusted opportunities, and insightful career advice for both male and female candidates. Discover the latest in government and private sector roles, detailed salary information, and essential career development insights. Find answers to top queries about the best jobs and career paths in Pakistan today
Water & Power Development Authority Federal Government Jobs Director (Vigilance), WAPDA, 217-WAPDA House, Lahore
Punjab Public Service Commission Punjab Government Jobs PPSC Head Office Building LDA Plaza Edgerton Road, Lahore
University of Sargodha (SU) Punjab Government Jobs UOS University Road, Sargodha
Local Government (LGD Sindh) Sindh Government Jobs Municipal Corporation Mirpurkhas, Sindh
NUTECH Federal Government Jobs Sector I-12, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory
Military Lands & Cantonments Federal Government Jobs Cantonment Executive Officer Peshawar Cantt 5-Capt Abdul Jail Road, Peshawar
University of Haripur KP Government Jobs University of Haripur Hattar Road Near Swat Chowk, Haripur
PKLI Punjab Government Jobs One PKLI Avenue, DHA Phase 6, Lahore
Excise & Taxation Department (Punjab) Punjab Government Jobs Directorate General, Excise & Taxation Punjab Shadman Road, Shadman 1 Shadman, Lahore
Punjab Police Punjab Government Jobs DIG Establishment II Central Police Office Lahore
Pakistan Navy Federal Government Jobs The Commandant Pakistan Navy War College Naval Complex Walton, Askari-V, Gulberg-III, Lahore
Ministry of Interior Federal Government Jobs Project director National Forensics Agency (NFA) Project Plot No. 1, 2, 27 & 28 Opposite Police Line, H-11/4, Islamabad
PEECA Contract Office of Chief Engineer, Reconciliation Cell, 27-Jahangir Park, LOS Road, New Mozang, Lahore
NUST Federal Government Jobs HR Directorate Main Office, NUST Sector H-12, Islamabad
Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Sindh Government Jobs Deputy General Manager (HR), Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Ltd, West Wharf Dockyard Road, Karachi