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Explore Jobify.pk for the highest paying jobs in Pakistan, featuring comprehensive Govt jobs listings, trusted opportunities, and insightful career advice for both male and female candidates. Discover the latest in government and private sector roles, detailed salary information, and essential career development insights. Find answers to top queries about the best jobs and career paths in Pakistan today
Pakistan Railway Federal Government Jobs Deputy Chief Personnel Officer, Pakistan Railways Headquarters Office, Lahore Salary Offer: 75000
Federal Directorate of Education FDE Federal Government Jobs Directorate of Schools, FDE, G-9/4 Rohtas Road G-9/4, Islamabad Salary Offer: 50000
Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak Girls Cadet College Balochistan Government Jobs Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak Girls Cadet College, Turbat, Kech, Balochistan Salary Offer: 50000
U.S. Embassy Islamabad Private Jobs English Works! Program (U.S. Embassy Islamabad) Ramna 5 Diplomatic Enclave, Islamabad Salary Offer: 50000
Government College University Faisalabad (GCUF) Punjab Government Jobs Government College University, Allama Iqbal Road, Faisalabad
KPPSC KP Government Jobs 2 Fort Road Peshawar Cantonment Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Pakistan Single Window Federal Government Jobs 4th Floor, Bahria Complex 3 building, Moulvi Tamizuddin Khan Rd, Naval Officers Colony, Karachi , 44000 Salary Offer: 70,000-250,000
Punjab Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries Department Punjab Government Jobs Punjab Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries GIS-Based Protection Regime, 108-Ravi Road, Lahore
Punjab Police Punjab Government Jobs Special Branch Headquarters Punjab, Roberts Club Church Road Lahore, Opposite Planning & Development Board, Lahore
University of Engineering and Technology Punjab Government Jobs G.T Road, Staff Houses Engineering University Lahore
PWWF (Punjab Workers Welfare Fund) Punjab Government Jobs F-A/1 Khyber Block Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore, Punjab
ISRA University Private Jobs Phase I Rd, Farash Town Phase I Farash Town, Islamabad
Punjab Public Service Commission Punjab Government Jobs PPSC Head Office Building LDA Plaza Edgerton Road, Lahore, Punjab Salary Offer: 54,500
Shaukat Khanum Hospital Private Jobs 7-A, Block R-3 Johar Town, Lahore, Punjab
Sindh Finance Department Sindh Government Jobs Public Private Partnership Unit, 7th Floor, A.K. Lodhi Complex, Sindh Secretariate Building No. 6, Karachi